Sunday, August 10, 2008

Recent Dreams

The sky beneath the water's edge
The ocean of light above my head
I stand ashore among my kind
And they listen to the rustling
of my mind.

I dreamt a day pleasantly passed
Two distant friends were joined at last
But time reversed, came yestermorning's sun
Destiny slipped and time
came undone.

The unlived days we wonder about 
Pass over us like the shadows of clouds.
I stand ashore among my kind
And they listen to the rustling
of my mind.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Random Observation From A Former Self

I was googling myself and came across a comment that I wrote about one year ago. I think it's pretty accurate.

"Out of all the comic strips that aren’t funny anymore, Dilbert is the one that was funny the most recently."

Wow... With that caliber of witty pop-culture commentary, I bet I'll be appearing on VH1 any day now.